Junior Primary School

Junior Primary School for Boys (Grade 1 - 3)


"The child only deeply understands that which he has created." Jean Piaget

We believe children learn best in context and through active discovery. We provide the opportunity for your son to do this by providing a safe, caring, family-orientated environment which enables him and his peers to grow into self-confident, accomplished young men. The Junior Primary School has highly motivated and qualified teachers who, through their experience and knowledge, understand the unique learning requirements of young boys.


An independent education is more than a good idea. From the start boys are taught to respectfully ask questions, to make choices, and to evaluate consequences. Skills like perseverance and intuition are encouraged and developed through tactile learning. This is no learning factory – rather, by equipping the boys to read and establishing solid numeracy through the Singapore mathematics approach, we expect our boys to be the problem solvers and articulate negotiators of the future.


The Junior Primary years are colourful, active years of learning by doing. Singing in Chapel, painting in art, playing the violin in music, moving from play to sport, going on excursions or jumping into the 1m deep pool when it’s hot – the boys live life to the full. Every learning experience fuels the imagination of the boys as they learn to operate in a more formal environment.

Learning and development support is offered through private specialists offering remedial lessons, speech therapy and occupational therapy. If required, boys attend these lessons on campus during the school day.


        Sport and Brain Breaks are a wonderful part of belonging to St Charles College. It is important to keep an educational perspective on our sporting development as the boys prepare to enjoy being part of teams and learning to trust and rely on their teammates to achieve collective goals. We begin with a 30-minute Brain Break programme three times a week during the school day where the boys get to take on a wide variety of game-based activities and challenges which develop coordination, balance, spacial awareness and strength. We also have 4 sport practices per week where we cover a variety of sports every term, allowing our boys to be exposed to as many games and related movements as possible to put them in the best environment to grow a love for sport.

A progressive pathway into team games allows boys to improve their skills and develop their social skills. While a lot of effort goes into developing our overall sport skills, our main priority is to allow our boys to use sport as a tool to develop their self-esteem by recognising all contributions of effort and not just those of great skill. Provided with unconditional support and encouragement, it is remarkable to see how all our boys are able to grow and flourish on the sports field.


St Charles College offers excellent value for busy working families and supervised aftercare is provided Monday to Friday from 2pm (directly after sport) until 5pm.

Parents are not charged for these services.