Researching Augmented Reality

Researching Augmented Reality

The College appointed Dr Miguel Cavero as the Head of Academic Research and Development to work towards the intentional integration of technology into teaching, learning and personal organisation. We believe that we have found the golden thread and we are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead.

It’s very important to know why we would allow the intrusion of technology into a learning space where the key element is that learning is a human activity. The intention is not to provide escape from reality or to entertain children who are bored with real life. Instead we seek to achieve the ultimate goal of education that was sacrificed when mass education for the industrial age was introduced.

We’re going back to the age of the apprentice where an expert influenced a novice and passed on experience and wisdom by constant feedback. The real question is: “How can technology deliver that rich educational experience better for each child?”

We are busy testing our assumptions on which device would be most effective in the learning process. The SAMSUNG Galaxy TAB A with S pen, so far, tops the list as an educational tool but the question of device specification remains open for now.

The College has spent several years laying down the infrastructure required to enter an augmented reality world, where digital advances enhance life and do not replace it. We recently appointed an internal IT Manager to accelerate the redesign of media and technology and position us as international leaders.

The solutions we seek are simple and seamless, and we can’t wait to tell you what comes next!

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