Learn to Speak Another Language

Learn to Speak Another Language – Part 1

St Charles College has formed partnerships with three language schools, each complementing a commitment to a focus on authentic additional language learning. One of those partners is Dante Allegheiri, an international agency for the promotion of language learning and cultural understanding. They are backed by several EU Governments and together we aim to break down barriers through respect of other languages.

Tony Amatulli from Dante Allegheiri visited the campus on Tuesday to touch sides with our Director of Academics, Mr Barry Strydom and the Principal, Mr Allen van Blerk, on the offering of languages.

Boys and parents can use either face to face or online platforms to study any of the following languages, culminating in international language tests or taking Cambridge examinations at IGCSE or AS and A Level.

This offers additional options to parents and their sons who wish to study a language at an affordable cost and to acquire a qualification. The partnership with Dante enables us to source examiners for the speaking tests which has always been a challenge in the past, and to provide options that would normally be financially unsustainable for schools.

Dante is an TOEIC, TOEFL, TFI, ECL and PLIDA accredited test center for Italian, English, French, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, German, Mandarin, Japanese and Arabic and can provide an online and in-house test-system accepted by more than 10 000 Universities in over 150 Countries.

We have already worked with Dante to assist boys in Spanish and Portuguese, and this will expand as we open the doors of language in our academic programme. More than ever before the ability to confidently walk across the language lines holds currency for those who aspire to international confidence and mobility. – Mr Allen van Blerk (Principal)

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