Language Series: Part III

Language Series: Part III
Partnership with Alliance Francaise and International French Examinations (DELF)

Prof Bernard De Meyer and Dr Philip Azewaye (President of Alliance Francaise in Pietermaritzburg) visited our campus to build on a partnership between St Charles College and Alliance Francaise.

We share the same vision for promoting Pietermaritzburg as a city rich in diversity, especially when referring to languages and cultures in society. We, as a South African school, truly stand by our countries’ motto “unity in diversity”.

We discussed the possibility of the DELF Examinations taking place at St Charles College from levels A1 – C2. DELF (Diplôme d’études en langue française) is governed by the CECL (Common European Framework of reference for Languages) in which all European language ability levels are standardised. The examinations take place three times a year at an official examination centre with external examiners. They are greatly beneficial as they are recognised worldwide. Completing level B2 is sufficient proficiency for entry into a university in France and B1 allows one to work in France should prospective students wish to study internationally.

Currently evening classes with Alliance Francaise are running at the Coach House and we established in today’s meeting that the relationship with the French Department at the University, Alliance Francaise and St Charles College shows great promise and possibility for the city of Pietermaritzburg. – Mrs Carrissa Ortmann

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