New Scrummies Playground

New Scrummies Playground

Learning and development happens through scaffolding – starting from a solid foundation and then using previous knowledge to explore and learn more.

God designed little children to develop and grow by exploring with their senses and by moving their bodies. It is through meaningful play that little ones build that solid foundation from which successful future learning can take place.

Parents may recall a more unrestricted childhood of riding bikes to their friend’s houses, climbing trees in the park and exploring the unspoilt areas on the outskirts of town. Mom and Dad’s rule was usually that you had to be home before sunset. Little ones were taken care of by their older siblings and included in all of this was having fun.

Sadly, life and society has changed radically, and our children are not able to roam free anymore. Safety has become an enormous concern and spaces to roam free are almost non-existent. Children are restricted to their homes and often home means living in an apartment. With the shrinking of our physical world, we have widened our horizons by introducing a new, digital world which is enormous – BUT – has its drawbacks and limitations. Especially for our little ones, a screen does not provide that active exploration.

At Scrummies we have certainly seen a rise in the number of children who struggle with physical lags and sensory integration problems. This means that they are struggling to
form the necessary solid foundation from which future learning can take place. We are, however, extremely fortunate to be part of a College with a pioneering ethos. After having discussed and researched the challenges that our young children are facing, the decision was made that we would provide our boys with a space where they have ample opportunity to grow and explore as they should.

This is the EXCITING part! As I am writing this, there is much activity and digging in an additional playground space right in front of Scrummies. Very soon we will be opening and using this new area, where every bit of equipment has a developmental purpose. Our playscape brings back natural elements for our lads, reminiscent of the “wild” areas that children used to explore. Boulders and rocks, tree trunks and logs for climbing and balancing, interesting tunnels, hills to climb and roll down, a windmill for some heavy work and a little waterway, and lots and lots of sand to play in. There are some other amazing features – but – I don’t want to give it all away. I would much rather invite you to come visit us, to see and experience it for yourself!

We are so grateful to be part of a College that leads the way and has every child’s needs at the centre of its existence. We are popping with excitement to let our boys loose in this amazing facility – let the adventure begin! – Mrs Liesl Meter (Head of Pre-Primary)

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