Learning Opportunities

Learning Opportunities in the Pre-Primary School

Our teachers in Scrummies are always recognising and making the most of learning opportunities that present themselves. This even sometimes includes phoning our Deputy Principal, Mr Graham
Stewart-Burger, to see if he can run down to Scrummies to give an impromptu science lesson to the boys!

Our Pre-Primary School recently started their very own veggie garden. So, when the boys and teachers realised that some of their veggies and herbs were ready to be picked they decided to make a morning out of it and bake some delicious savoury muffins.

While picking their fresh produce, the boys noticed two visiting caterpillars on one of their citrus plants. Mr Stewart-Burger, after receiving a call to please visit Scrummies, chatted to the boys about the life
cycle of caterpillars and how these ones in particular would eventually become Citrus Swallowtail Butterflies.

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